
BUMP Festival 2022

On Thursday, June 23, 2022, team Touch went to the BUMP festival in Kortrijk. BUMP festival is a design conference and is organized annually by the Devine program (Digital Design and Development). Throughout the day, several inspiring speakers come and each shared their experiences and expertise. This year we got to know designers, artists and companies like Craig Black, Craft & Graft, Create Whojo, Planet Prudence and several others.

What we mainly remembered from the festival?

- Always look for your passion and dare to dream like Craig Black made his switch from footballer to a successful visual artist.
- Strengthen user experiences by combining different elements such as visual images, audio and location.
- Always tell a story, make each project personal and have fun!

In short, it was an inspiring and fun day for us that we experienced together as a team!

Register for the next edition here!
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